New Website Design!

Here's a quick summary about what's been happening here with my site. I've changed just about everything so it will take some time to get some of the content caught up. As I'm also in the midst of my busy shooting and editing season (hooray for my awesome wedding couples!) some new work will be showing up as I continue to fill out the older content. 

The client galleries have stayed the same so you can either use your direct link or click on 'Purchase' up top to find your pictures. 

The Pricing page should be up within a day or so. Get in touch if you have any questions in the meantime. 

As always, if you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask. E-mail (, call or text (902-746-3446), or use the submission form on the Contact page. 

And in the spirit of sharing some new work, here's one of Danny wiping a tear off of Brittney's cheek during their beautiful wedding a couple weeks ago.